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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Captain America

Ok... vent time:  what parent pays $7.50 (matinee) for 4 bratty kids to sit through a movie?  Who is that enjoyable for?  Is that just some sick joke on everyone else in the theater?  And yes, I freaked out on these kids in the middle of the movie.  It was epic.  Probably more than the movie.

So Captain America directed by Joe Johnson... (sigh).  I didn't really have any or much expectations for the movie.  I don't follow comics except for when they're made into movies... then I'll get on Wikipedia and look up characters and their stories and see how well the movie did in comparison.  So not really knowing anything about Capt. America the story itself is pretty interesting.  Of course, this is from a person that doesn't know the characters or their stories and so the movie story is the only story I know.  So, please, if you know more about the story of Capt. America tell me how the movie did.

As for the flow... I thought it was mediocre to bad.  There was just too much jammed into one movie.  I'm not even sure if it were longer, it would still do the movie justice (it was a little over 2 hours).  I think the most intriguing part of the whole thing ended up being the development of Rogers, his journey to becoming the hero Capt. America and his romance with Agent Carter.  The whole supernatural thing with Red Skull Man (lol, the guys name really is Red Skull) and the blue cube deal was a little wacky and kind of messed with the story.  I think even if Red Skull had some nukes or something it would've been a better story instead of keeping us wondering "well what the hell does this blue cube do anyway?"  unless it is used sometime again later in canon or movies.

As a not-so-into-comics person, I enjoyed knowing that Howard Stark is Tony Stark's father.  That connection was pretty sweet.  I was almost expecting somewhere to find out that Agent Carter is actually Tony's mother.  Could be since she didn't get to finish her life knowing Capt. America.  So that was fun.

And finally, I really love Stanley Tucci.  I mean, he's just a lovable looking guy.  :)  And all I want Hugo Weaving to say is "Mr. Anderson............" and put on elf ears. 

In the movie's defense, I thought the use of color was well done.  I liked the use of the sepia "old" look used every so often.  Call me nostalgic if you will.  Cinematography was done well in some parts.  I think my favorite shot was when the bridge is separating Red Skull and Capt. America while the factory was blowing up. 

And I think Chris Evans is HHHOOOTTT .... er, good looking.  and Hayley Atwell is really pretty.  So, here's to good looking people everywhere!

ps - side note:  since I'm a big fan of The Tudors... it was fun to see Natalie Dormer be someone else besides Anne Boleyn. 

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