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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Opposite Sides

I feel like I've been on the emotional movie roller coaster today.  Here's something else you should know about me... I am not a particularly big fan of horror movies.  No siree.  And guess what we watched in class today.  Yup.

However, Videodrome isn't your typical slasher horror movie... it's something called a body horror... and I have yet to look up what that exactly means because I'm too scared to click on the link in Wikipedia.  But, I guess if you want to watched a odd 80's horror movie, I guess this would be a good one to watch. 

OK.  So, when I got home I decided to watch Wall-E.  Man do I love that movie.  As many times as I've seen it, it still amazes me that the animators can create emotion in a traditionally emotionless robot but at the end make Wall-E plain and emotionless before he changes back.  Sorry, spoiler, but I figure the movie's been out long enough. 

I also need to do my paper due on Friday... but I am, again notoriously, a procrastinator.  I can't get myself to do something until it's right up to the last minute.  Huff... anyway, so this was an incredibly short one!  Thanks!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I finally watched...

Requiem for a Dream.

Wow does that movie make me never want to shoot up heroine... or really anything... ever.  Someone once said to me, "Really, Darren Aronofsky can't make a bad movie."  I'm starting to believe it.  Because Requiem for a Dream (RFAD) was beautifully messed up.  It's also kind of jarring to see Jennifer Connelly play a part like that.  I mean growing up watching her in The Labyrinth, and seeing beautiful movies like The Rocketeer and A Beautiful Mind you're just kind of like "WHAT THE HELL!!" 

So anyway... I love the use of the short and quick shots which really help with the pace of the characters minds.  The use of sound is amazing.  Not to mention the different lenses that were used throughout... I don't know many directors who can use a fisheye lens as effectively as Aronofsky in this movie. 

Then aside from Aronofsky, a friend of mine said ".... sexy like Jared Leto in RFAD..."  Which before this movie I didn't think Jared Leto was sexy at all... but my mind has been changed.  Not to mention how AWESOME Ellen Burstyn was in this.  Just watch the movie and you'll understand.

To get over this wacky movie, I rented out "The Kim Novak Collection" and watched Pal Joey... a very meh movie musical with Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayward, and, of course, Kim Novak.  And now you're probably wondering "Why Kim Novak?"  Well, because I more or less fell in love with her in Vertigo and it keeps the Woman's World Cup alive (because she looks like Hope Solo to me)... please refer down a few posts. 

I pretty much skipped through most of the movie to get to the parts with Novak in it.  And I have to say, after seeing her in Vertigo it was kind of goofy watching her in Pal Joey.  But overall, it was happy and go-lucky which is what I was looking for.  I'm currently in the middle of Bell, Book and Candle which is sort of like Bewitched ... but with Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart :p  So that's pretty much all for now. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Film Theory

... is kicking my ass.  I really do get that it's important and helps us understand how cinema is used and all... but GAH!  Sometimes I don't understand how people think like that.  We just got done thinking about how the set up of a theater helps us convey what's on the screen.  "Why do we willingly sit there and watch horror movies?"  .... because we want to?  I would that if you paid a $7-$9 ticket you would want to! (sigh)

So anyway, since HP, I've sat down and watched a few other movies.

I watched Ridley Scott's Robin Hood recorded from Starz or something.  My niece said she didn't like it and so I was a little weary going into the movie.  However, like I've said before, I am in love with Ridley Scott and so I thought of that while I watched.  It's hard to understand at first that the story is supposed to be before Robin Hood became an outlaw and living in Sherwood Forest.  But once you get over that initial hump, then everything makes sense and I could enjoy the movie more.

I wasn't a huge fan of Cate Blanchett before this movie (although I have a deep respect of her acting abilities after watching Elizabeth) but after I LOVE her.  I think she's great.  I think it was also because there was a different side of her from Elizabeth and Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Chrystal Skull (blech).  There was a strong but vulnerability to Maid Marian and I really liked what she brought to the character.  That and I don't think I've ever really noticed how gorgeous she is!  So, kudos you Cate Blanchett.

Then aside from Cate, I've always been in love with Russel Crowe since The Gladiator (Ridley Scott!) and A Beautiful Mind.  So yay :)

The same night I ended Robin Hood, Treasure and I decided to start watching Burlesque.  Seriously... it's a bad movie.  If you have seen any of the following:  Coyote Ugly, Chicago, and/or Moulin Rouge you've seen Burlesque.  And actually, I have a lot of respect for Christina Aguilera as an artist, but this movie just ruined it for me.  The only redeeming qualities it has for me is Kristen Bell (I am a big Veronica Mars fan) and Cher.  Other than that... blah.  And it hurts to know that Xtina's character came from Iowa :(  I didn't even finish the movie because it was that predictable.

... there's not even a picture online I like enough to post here.

So at work I watched North by Northwest by none other than the wonderful Alfred Hitchcock.  And if you say that he's not one of the most profound directors of our time I WILL FIGHT YOU.  I hadn't watched a Cary Grant film in a while and the movie reminded me how much I love him.  The acting is so crisp and witty that watching him being chased around it just fun instead of a thrill.

Again, Eva Marie Saint the whole time reminded me of a girl I knew from college.  I think Mr. Hitchcock just has a knack for casting girls that mess with my head.  Or was he doing that for everyone ... hmmmmm.  j/k, probably not.  I hadn't paid as close attention to Hitchcock movies was I am now viewing them over again (I had a collection of his movies on VHS growing up) and between North by Northwest and Vertigo both main women are aged 26.  Coincidence? 

I also love how the twist of the move isn't the climax.  It's like OOH she's a double agent!  But that's not the end!  I dunno... it's just great.  Not to mention the graphics to the opening credits are awesome.

My niece informed me that in this scene part of Saint's lines had been flubbed out.  However, I must have grabbed the copy that had put the lines back in.  :/

Then while I was away this last weekend, I started to watch West Side Story... but by the middle of the movie I was having an online argument with my niece (the fake kind that you spam someone's Facebook wall with).  All I could think about though was that Maria's voice wasn't Natalie Wood's.  She actually doesn't have a great voice at all... not even good.  Go watch the movie Gypsy with her in it. 

Also today in Film Theory, we are talking about the roll of the woman within movies.  First we watched Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story... as told with Barbie dolls.  Wow that movie is just... cool in an awkward way.  It's just weird watching Barbie chug down ipecac syrup and Ex-Lax.  That and my TA informed us that the director (Todd Haynes) had started shaving away at Barbie to make her! skinnier!

Then we watched a short movie called Illusions directed by Julie Dash in 1982 although the movie takes place probably in the early 1940's since the war was going on.  First, it was about a black woman who had used her singing abilities to dub over a white woman's singing voice (very a la Singin' In The Rain).  She later admits that the other studios had never paid her before National Studios, where a woman exec. forces her boss to pay the black woman.  It it later revealed that this woman exec. is actually a black woman also and that her life within the movie business is an illusion.

Lastly we watched a movie called Removed which is some old porn movies but the woman had been scratched and colored out.  So we are left with the man... and all the other props surrounding a porn.  So yeah... I've now officially watched a porn in class.  And extremely awkward to watch when you're the only girl in the class.

Other than that... I just keep chuggin' away at Dr. Who and rewatching episodes of Castle.

As far as my half marathon training is going... it's been so hot here in Iowa this last week.  I've been going out and kicking my soccer ball around but it's been so hot that I haven't really made an effort to go to the gym.  I really need to tomorrow.

Lastly, a shout out to the US Woman's Soccer Team!  You still make your country proud!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter 2.0

Yup... I went to see HP for a second time.

Just some small things that I noticed.  Please be advised that this whole next post will be from the movie and if you haven't seen it, these may spoil it a little for you :)


Alright then.

1)  When Hermione, Harry and Ron are escaping from Gringotts, I really enjoyed David Yates little homage to Star Wars: A New Hope.  The part when the guards have found the trio and are shooting their spells at them.  Hermione is on one side of the aisle while Ron and Harry are at the other.  They are yelling at one another for an escape plan and it is Hermione who basically says "Someone has to save our skins!" and shoots out the gate to hop onto the dragon.  So yay... Star Wars...

2)  Ok, I understand that Snape was in love with Lilly Potter and to the effect that his patronus changed to a doe because of that.  But when Harry says "My mother's patronus was a doe, wasn't it?"  and asks why Snape's would be too... all Dumbledore can say is "It's not so curious when you think about it."  What's that mean?  Does it mean something deeper than "well duh, Snape was in love with your mother..."?  (huff)... Sometimes I feel like Dumbledore has a little Jesus in him... just can't give a straight answer...

3)  Did anyone else feel like the story was going to slip the rug under us during the Pensive scene and it's like "SUPRISE!!! Snape's really your father!"

4)  What exactly is the purpose of the Resurrection Stone... other than you can talk to dead people?  The purpose is to bring those who are dead back to life.  So, did the stone keep Harry alive when he died?  And if that's so, how does it work since he dropped it before he marched onto Voldemort.

5)  I really wish Harry took the Elder Wand and give ol' Voldemort a good Avada Kadarva!  As Treasure said after watching the movie "You never know where those flakes went to!!"

6)  and to reiterate what a friend of my asked about the disappearance of Huffelpuff:

7)  Please don't take your kids to the movie's if they're not ready.  It's a big waste of time and money for you and the people around you..... (kids in front of me kept looking at me during the movie).

That is all!  Will just edit this post if I think of more things.

** EDIT **

1)  To me, I would like to think that since love is the divine factor that kept Harry Potter alive as a baby, that Snape's continuing love of Lily also protected Harry.  Thoughts!?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter

For those of us who grew up with Harry Potter, it's sad to see him go.  I can honestly say that my childhood was magical because of J.K. Rowling. 

I promise not to give out spoilers (which include those in the book) without proper notification.

In all, this movie was probably the best.  The best balance between action, drama and comedy (blech!).  I don't think I've cried that much in a movie since I saw ... well I can't remember what the last movie made me cry that much.  Titanic maybe?  I mean... to the point that I was sniffling.  Wait... it was Disney's Meet the Robinsons.  Really great movie.

Anyway, I just want to go through what we saw a previews.  I just think it's absolutely HILARIOUS that big named directors have decided to make children/young adult/think Lassie movies for this coming Christmas season.  Steven Spielberg is making War Horse.  Not something I would typically associate Spielberg.  And then Martin Scorsese has made Hugo.... really super bright rich colors about a boy and roboty thing.  However, within the previews was a small trailer for The Dark Knight Rises.  Will be making a trip to the theater for that one.  As well as Cowboys and Aliens.

SO... without going into too much detail, I just want to say CAN WE PLEASE cut the silly little comedic impromptus (imprompti?)!?  I swear, this is just a curse of the whole series... a nice dramatic and heartfelt scene and moment but then we have a little one liner, or a silly cut to an over the top expression.

Maybe it was because I went to the midnight showing so I'm watching the movie with people who will giggle, laugh, cry and clap at every thing David Yates wants.  He's probably thinking in his head the whole time "Let's just shoot this little snide because the Potties will love it!!"  (grumble grumble)  Well thanks for breaking the Suture Theory for me everyone!  I couldn't properly suture myself into the movie!!

So yes, Treasure and I dressed up to go... which is the first time I and he have ever done that.  We got to the theater at 9 and were FAR from the beginning of the line.  In fact, we were told the 1st people in line had been out there since 5am.  But man, did we see some cool costumes.  My favorite was 2 girls dressed as the golden snitch.

I will forever think that Emma Watson will be a class act and I hope she is happy with her life after Harry Potter.  I mean, same for everyone else in the cast, but I just have a soft spot for her :)  I think she is every girl's hero, and she is a great one to follow.  I hope none of them burn out and life on only as "that one kid who played (fill in the blank)".

I wish I could post the final shot of the 3 of them at the end of the movie... but no one has pirated that onto Google images :/

So for now, Mischief Managed.

And back to the movie...


Does anyone else think that the adult versions of Harry, Hermione and Ron seemed weird?  To the point you almost wishes they just found some other actors?  To me I think they were also digitally edited a little.  I mean, they all did see a little bit older.... but not 19.  Maybe Ron, but definitely not Hermione.

Does anyone else wonder "Why the hell would they introduce a time turner in the 3rd book and never use it again?!"  That one just runs through my mind all the time.

Wow was Snape's death brutal.  I think it's almost worse with the thudding leaving the imagination to imagine the actual death.  Damn.

I still can't take Molly Weasley seriously when she said "Not my daughter, bitch."  It's just so out of character for me.  I don't know.  Not my favorite line.  I also though Bellatrix deserved a better or more glorified death... just because she's done all these awful things that we deserved a worse death to me.  I mean we watched her torture Hermione!

**EDIT** I also feel that Hermione's small stunt as Bellatrix Lestrange did justice to Helena Bonham Carter as an actress.   I think Carter did an excellent job mimicking Watson's little movements.  One in particular I noticed was when Hermione says "Good Day" right as the group entered the ally.  The way an exasperated Hermione would throw her eyes into the ceiling in frustration was done well by Carter.

Finally... HARRY AND HERMIONE SHOULD'VE ENDED UP TOGETHER!!!  It's all in the books until J.K. explicit says Ron and Hermione are together.  NO NO NO!!  But what is remains and that's how she wanted it.

I feel like there's a weird void.  I can't believe it's over.  Although, Treasure did say that he heard a rumor that J.K. has thought about writing more books from the HP series.  We'll see!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ok, seriously this one will be short.

We watched Vertigo today.  I was late coming in because I wanted to watch the end of the US Woman's game... which ended up being totally unnecessary since they beat France pretty bad.  It was nice to see Alex Morgan score.  I would've been happy to see anyone score, but it was just nice to see someone who doesn't score very often score.

I came into the movie right as Jimmy Stewart was hanging off the building and his partner falls of the edge and dies.  Aside that this all has to do with our readings by Christian Metz and the psychology of a film... da da da... what I couldn't get out of my head is HOW freakin' much Kim Novak and Hope Solo looked alike to me.  The whole movie.  Right after coming late to class to watch the game.  I'm thinking to myself "That's right Hope Solo.  Just a big wave comes crashing in while you and Jimmy Stewart share that first kiss."

But, you can decide for yourself what you think:

I know Hope is a brunette now, but still.  I think they look pretty gosh darn similar!
Anyway, that's all for now :)  Told you it'd be short!  

PS - anyone else think Megan Rapinoe should just start the game on Sunday?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Short One

After much thought on District 9 and not watching a single more minute of it, I came realize:  If I, or we as an audience, feel so bad for these non human (very distinctly non human) creatures, how are we supposed to feel when these sorts of conditions and treatments are aimed at humans.

I (notoriously) started 1941 by Steven Spielberg made in 1979.  I had actually known the theme song because of a John Williams CD I had bought a while back.  I was surprised to find that it's actually a comedy.  I don't usually associate comedies with Spielberg, but it's actually really funny.  Especially when he tips his hat at his own movie Jaws.

Anyway, where I was going with this is that Motor Sergeant Frank Tree (played by Dan Akroyd) says throughout the movie, "What I can't abide by is Americans fighting Americans!"  I think the same could be said for the whole human race.  Which is a little silly and naive considering (what I believe) the world has never had a total and complete peace anywhere at one time.  Maybe back in the stone ages or Atlantis or something, but from what I can remember from my (incredibly prestigious (ha!) and relevant) bachelors in History... I really don't think there is just one era of peace. 

(I can hear Treasure watching choral pieces downstairs... yuck...)

Then aside from starting 1941, I finished The Quiet American.  Wow... on so many levels.  Wow that no matter how hard Brendan Fraser tried to be serious all I could think about is him and Alicia Silverstone in Blast From The Past... as well as George of the Jungle... and Encino Man.  So taking him seriously was a little bit of a challenge for me.  And wow to how dark and broody the movie ended up being.  I get that the movie opens with a murder so the rest of the movie is therefore followed in that tone, but C'MON the movie is also about fighting for love and all the mushy stuff.  But I guess that since it takes place in Vietnam, we Americans just think of it as a (metaphorically) dark, gloomy, yet tropical place. 

But I will admit, that I enjoy watching Fraser in With Honors.  

Today I also started watching Season 1 of Dr. Who.  Not Season 1 from the 60's... the one from 2005.  After 3 episodes in I can see the allure.  It has a pretty good storyline, and it keeps you wanting to know more information about The Doctor and where they go next for their adventure.  But what I can't get over (and I'm sorry I may sound shallow here) is how trampy the girl looks.  Maybe that's her character and how the producers/directors/whoever want her to look.  All I can think is, if it weren't for her sweet British accent ... blah.  I don't know if it's her dirty blond hair... or her dark thick eyebrows... or her big teeth... But I think the more I watch it, the more my opinion will change.

Side note:  I'm still reeling from the US Woman's soccer game yesterday!  How AWESOME was that!?

More things you should know about me:  I was an avid soccer player growing up.  I played competitively since I was 10, all through high school (till my senior year), then played intramurals in college.  I also spent 3 summers in Europe playing with other girls around the country.  Mk...

But wow... not only does Hope Solo have the best name in the world, but she's the more AWESOME goal keeper in the world.  How bogus was that PK call during the game?!?!  Who else thinks Marta looks dirty?  And who else had the privilege to see Megan Rapinoe's Wikipedia page say her official name is "Megan Anna "Brazilian Killer" Rapinoe"?!

SO take that you stupid Australian* Ref!!  And your pansy AR's too!

If we had lost I would've gone on about how "At least our team is pretty!!!  Neener neener neener!!"  

*I actually love Australian people.  I have a couple friends from Perth and Melbourne.  I also think the little penguins on the north side of the island are incredibly cute and I think it's incredibly brave the people putting the effort toward saving the giant sea turtles and their babies on the beaches being born. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011


No not the movie.  Although, I am a pretty big Cary Grant fan :)

Something I should probably share about myself is that I have a pretty bad habit (notorious if you will...) of starting a movie and then turning it off in the middle and waiting to watch the rest of it.  So please bear with me when I start a film and then don't finish it.

Last night I had started The Quiet American with Michael Caine and Brenden Fraser (where the heck did that guy go?)  While I don't know what Saigon looks like today, I think I would have liked to see the city before the Vietnam War.  From the recreation, I thought it looked like a fun and exciting city.  Unfortunately, I don't think it was very safe.  Off topic for a minute, have you ever stopped to think about why we, as Americans going through a "typical" American education, don't really learn about the Vietnam War in social studies class?  While such topics as D-Day, Nazis and concentration camps receive so much attention.  For that matter, we learn very little of the conflicts between Japan and the US leading up to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the atom bombs.  Interesting, isn't it?

So anyway, I got maybe 25 minutes into the film before I got picked up from work.  At which point, Fraser's character, Pyle, had bought a Vietnamese boat and followed Caine's character, Fowler, into Northern Vietnam where there were guerrilla flare ups and the place where the American's (notice the psychological identity formation right there :p) were planning to land.

Then today I had forgotten that I recorded How To Train Your Dragon while we still receive our free 3 month trial for installing Direct TV... I'm trying to convince Treasure that we should just get the extended package because he watched True Blood (not my cup of tea), and I like to record movies.

So, I'm pretty much in love with whatever DreamWorks Animation puts out now a days.  I love Kung Fu Panda and can't wait for the second one to come out.  Anyway, I didn't read much into the movie other than I enjoyed it and I'm a cry baby and cried at the end when Stoick (voiced by Gerard Butler) told Hiccup that he was proud that Hiccup was his son.  :'(

Next, after cleaning up my kleenex, I was flipping through the movie channels and noticed that Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky had started 20 minutes beforehand.  Was not expecting to read subtitles, but I really don't mind.

Now, something else you should know about me.  The first time I went through college I received an unofficial minor in music.  I could tell you what that means, but we'll skip over that.  So anyway, all I'm saying is that I'm pretty well versed in the realm of classical and instrumental music.  I could give you a whole spiel about Igor Stravinsky, but you can just watching FABULOUS youtube clip and get the picture.  I'm sure you've seen this at least once in your childhood:

If you have since looked up the Rite of Spring on Wikipedia, you would have seen that it was a ballet... and a very controversial one.  In fact, it had started a riot in Paris the night it premiered.  A RIOT!  From a piece of music and ballet!  Although, to give it credit, it's a pretty crazy looking ballet.

So anyway, I'm watching this movie and I'm thinking "Oh, it's sort of simple like The King's Speech."  Aside from softcore sex, yup, that pretty much sums it up.  No, no, I liked it more than that.  From my EXTENSIVE (sarcasm) training in film theory and composition, I appreciated the contrast of color and the rhythm of the movie.  I especially enjoyed that all (or at least 90% as far as I could tell) non-diagetic music was music of Stravinsky.  Even after his most well known and revered piece of work, he still composed beautiful "melodic and traditional" music such as Apollo and Symphony of Psalms.  ... I've really put up enough youtube videos.

What I can't get over is that THIS GUY




who actually really does look like Stravinsky

Alright, I swear this is my LAST movie thing.  I know this is getting kind of long.

Treasure and I started District 9 tonight.  Wow is that movie freakin' depressing.  This is what I got as far as commentary.  I'm sure that it could be a representation for really any place in the world, but I got the idea that it was a commentary on the conditions in places such as Africa and South American... really any place you have a slum (Slumdog Millionaire if you will).  I never thought I would feel so bad for aliens... and aliens that look like prawns (they really do look like prawns...)  But you have the powerful insurgents within the slum that kind of run the gangs from within... you have the government or upper class trying to run things from the outside which leaves these poor aliens miserable and in poverty.

I have this thing about going to bed depressed, so I asked to turn it off when they made Wikus shoot one of the aliens.  :(  And that's where I am now.

The final thing you should really know about me before I end this post (finally!) is that I'm pretty notorious for starting projects and then letting them go.  Yeah I can admit it.  I'm one of those people.  However, I'm trying to work on that.  So in the spirit of that goal, I have decided to start training for a half marathon.  I started this week with 1 mile runs everyday.  But I'm going to start using the Hal Higdon training program.  So wish me luck, and everyone be safe!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lots of movie (things) tonight!!

That's right folks, you heard it!

First I just want to start off that I'm sitting here at work, sweating like a pig (do pigs really sweat so much that we made a little proverb about it?)  I'll have to be careful though because a friend of mine won't ever want to have babies if I talk about it too much.

But, before I talk about anything else... Way to go The Informant and representing corn!  Iowa Represent!  I'm also noushing on some Corn Nuts... and if you haven't ever had any, go to the gas station and pick yourself up some... it's like really hard Fritos... Ok... getting off the tractor now...
But not before I tell you how obsessed I am with this video:

But I am absolutely in LOVE with Matt Damon.  I think he is one of those actors that doesn't get enough Award attention.  I mean he's only won 5 major awards (1 from the Academy and 1 from the Globes).  C'mon guys... he is AWESOME!!  Side note: he was in The Field of Dreams (Iowa Pride!)  Other side note: one of Treasure's brothers was in the car line at the end

I have spent my time finishing The Fighter and getting all through Doubt... very Amy Adams night for me.  I really liked The Fighter... I kind of have a Batman/Newsies crush on Christian Bale.  But he just kind of creeps me out in a slimy boxing character sort of way.  However, after Micky's final match it's just a super abrupt end to the movie.  It's just like I'm getting a nice rush from the win and then... drop it cold.  :/  That's not my favorite feeling when I'm watching a movie.  It's kind of like watching your favorite TV show and the main characters finally hook up and they're making out and you see them walking toward the bedroom and they close the door... even though there's no one else home.  it's like C'MON!!!

So anyway, Doubt.  Sometimes it's hard for me to realize why Meryl Streep is a well respected actress.  But Doubt really helped me see through it.  I mean, I had watched Sophie's Choice a long time ago... now I couldn't bare to watch it... but wow... Meryl Streep!!  Also as a devoted Catholic it's sometimes hard to watch movies that don't help the church get a good name.  Although, since I got my first bachelors in history, I realize the church didn't really set a good example back in the day.  Moving on...

I'm in the middle of The Informant.  I'll let you know how it goes!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am the Pino from Nantucket


Wow, it's been a little while for me.  As my title says, we just got back from Nantucket for a long weekend on the island with my parents.  But I'm not really here to discuss my vacays and life in general... let's talk movies!

So before I left for the east coast, I finally go the opportunity to watch Battleship Potemkin.  The next day I was supposed to watch Man With A Movie Camera.   Both of which I think are those necessary movies to watch and appreciate early cinema.  Before watching Potemkin my TA had us watch another Eisenstein movie clip called Strike!... upon which part of the montage incorporated animal slaughter... geehhhh. 

I really enjoyed Potemkin.  It's sometimes hard to watch early cinema with the state of mind of an early cinema goer.  Part of the innovative techniques Eisenstein uses is the use of montage... or as something I think people today would understand is metaphor.  I think this old Chaplin movie, Modern Times, would kind of get the point across... you need to start the video at 1:11 with the sheep:

Where the cross fade or even if it were a straight cut from the sheep to people we get the impression that the people are herded or treated like sheep.  Ta freakin' da. 

When I got back to Iowa City, I checked out Man With A Movie Camera... wow I got that big overwhelming, surreal feeling just watching it.  Just because it has no story line really, and there's no one character to focus on for a period of time (except for maybe the man with the movie camera).  Interesting to me though was the version I got was accompanied by a score that was written about 10 years ago.  However, the images pretty much switched in que with the music.   So it must have been Vertov's purpose to have a rhythm.  Ok, let me back that up... I know that he purposefully had a rhythm, but I didn't think it would be that purposeful. 

Other than that, I didn't get a lot of movie watching done.  I am however reobsessing over Castle.  Wow I love Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic.  As well as getting into Modern Family and absolutely FALLING IN LOVE WITH Arrested Development.  mmmmmm Portia DeRossi. 

Seriously... please have babies...