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Monday, July 11, 2011

Short One

After much thought on District 9 and not watching a single more minute of it, I came realize:  If I, or we as an audience, feel so bad for these non human (very distinctly non human) creatures, how are we supposed to feel when these sorts of conditions and treatments are aimed at humans.

I (notoriously) started 1941 by Steven Spielberg made in 1979.  I had actually known the theme song because of a John Williams CD I had bought a while back.  I was surprised to find that it's actually a comedy.  I don't usually associate comedies with Spielberg, but it's actually really funny.  Especially when he tips his hat at his own movie Jaws.

Anyway, where I was going with this is that Motor Sergeant Frank Tree (played by Dan Akroyd) says throughout the movie, "What I can't abide by is Americans fighting Americans!"  I think the same could be said for the whole human race.  Which is a little silly and naive considering (what I believe) the world has never had a total and complete peace anywhere at one time.  Maybe back in the stone ages or Atlantis or something, but from what I can remember from my (incredibly prestigious (ha!) and relevant) bachelors in History... I really don't think there is just one era of peace. 

(I can hear Treasure watching choral pieces downstairs... yuck...)

Then aside from starting 1941, I finished The Quiet American.  Wow... on so many levels.  Wow that no matter how hard Brendan Fraser tried to be serious all I could think about is him and Alicia Silverstone in Blast From The Past... as well as George of the Jungle... and Encino Man.  So taking him seriously was a little bit of a challenge for me.  And wow to how dark and broody the movie ended up being.  I get that the movie opens with a murder so the rest of the movie is therefore followed in that tone, but C'MON the movie is also about fighting for love and all the mushy stuff.  But I guess that since it takes place in Vietnam, we Americans just think of it as a (metaphorically) dark, gloomy, yet tropical place. 

But I will admit, that I enjoy watching Fraser in With Honors.  

Today I also started watching Season 1 of Dr. Who.  Not Season 1 from the 60's... the one from 2005.  After 3 episodes in I can see the allure.  It has a pretty good storyline, and it keeps you wanting to know more information about The Doctor and where they go next for their adventure.  But what I can't get over (and I'm sorry I may sound shallow here) is how trampy the girl looks.  Maybe that's her character and how the producers/directors/whoever want her to look.  All I can think is, if it weren't for her sweet British accent ... blah.  I don't know if it's her dirty blond hair... or her dark thick eyebrows... or her big teeth... But I think the more I watch it, the more my opinion will change.

Side note:  I'm still reeling from the US Woman's soccer game yesterday!  How AWESOME was that!?

More things you should know about me:  I was an avid soccer player growing up.  I played competitively since I was 10, all through high school (till my senior year), then played intramurals in college.  I also spent 3 summers in Europe playing with other girls around the country.  Mk...

But wow... not only does Hope Solo have the best name in the world, but she's the more AWESOME goal keeper in the world.  How bogus was that PK call during the game?!?!  Who else thinks Marta looks dirty?  And who else had the privilege to see Megan Rapinoe's Wikipedia page say her official name is "Megan Anna "Brazilian Killer" Rapinoe"?!

SO take that you stupid Australian* Ref!!  And your pansy AR's too!

If we had lost I would've gone on about how "At least our team is pretty!!!  Neener neener neener!!"  

*I actually love Australian people.  I have a couple friends from Perth and Melbourne.  I also think the little penguins on the north side of the island are incredibly cute and I think it's incredibly brave the people putting the effort toward saving the giant sea turtles and their babies on the beaches being born. 

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