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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Harry Potter 2.0

Yup... I went to see HP for a second time.

Just some small things that I noticed.  Please be advised that this whole next post will be from the movie and if you haven't seen it, these may spoil it a little for you :)


Alright then.

1)  When Hermione, Harry and Ron are escaping from Gringotts, I really enjoyed David Yates little homage to Star Wars: A New Hope.  The part when the guards have found the trio and are shooting their spells at them.  Hermione is on one side of the aisle while Ron and Harry are at the other.  They are yelling at one another for an escape plan and it is Hermione who basically says "Someone has to save our skins!" and shoots out the gate to hop onto the dragon.  So yay... Star Wars...

2)  Ok, I understand that Snape was in love with Lilly Potter and to the effect that his patronus changed to a doe because of that.  But when Harry says "My mother's patronus was a doe, wasn't it?"  and asks why Snape's would be too... all Dumbledore can say is "It's not so curious when you think about it."  What's that mean?  Does it mean something deeper than "well duh, Snape was in love with your mother..."?  (huff)... Sometimes I feel like Dumbledore has a little Jesus in him... just can't give a straight answer...

3)  Did anyone else feel like the story was going to slip the rug under us during the Pensive scene and it's like "SUPRISE!!! Snape's really your father!"

4)  What exactly is the purpose of the Resurrection Stone... other than you can talk to dead people?  The purpose is to bring those who are dead back to life.  So, did the stone keep Harry alive when he died?  And if that's so, how does it work since he dropped it before he marched onto Voldemort.

5)  I really wish Harry took the Elder Wand and give ol' Voldemort a good Avada Kadarva!  As Treasure said after watching the movie "You never know where those flakes went to!!"

6)  and to reiterate what a friend of my asked about the disappearance of Huffelpuff:

7)  Please don't take your kids to the movie's if they're not ready.  It's a big waste of time and money for you and the people around you..... (kids in front of me kept looking at me during the movie).

That is all!  Will just edit this post if I think of more things.

** EDIT **

1)  To me, I would like to think that since love is the divine factor that kept Harry Potter alive as a baby, that Snape's continuing love of Lily also protected Harry.  Thoughts!?

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