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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Opposite Sides

I feel like I've been on the emotional movie roller coaster today.  Here's something else you should know about me... I am not a particularly big fan of horror movies.  No siree.  And guess what we watched in class today.  Yup.

However, Videodrome isn't your typical slasher horror movie... it's something called a body horror... and I have yet to look up what that exactly means because I'm too scared to click on the link in Wikipedia.  But, I guess if you want to watched a odd 80's horror movie, I guess this would be a good one to watch. 

OK.  So, when I got home I decided to watch Wall-E.  Man do I love that movie.  As many times as I've seen it, it still amazes me that the animators can create emotion in a traditionally emotionless robot but at the end make Wall-E plain and emotionless before he changes back.  Sorry, spoiler, but I figure the movie's been out long enough. 

I also need to do my paper due on Friday... but I am, again notoriously, a procrastinator.  I can't get myself to do something until it's right up to the last minute.  Huff... anyway, so this was an incredibly short one!  Thanks!

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