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Monday, July 25, 2011

I finally watched...

Requiem for a Dream.

Wow does that movie make me never want to shoot up heroine... or really anything... ever.  Someone once said to me, "Really, Darren Aronofsky can't make a bad movie."  I'm starting to believe it.  Because Requiem for a Dream (RFAD) was beautifully messed up.  It's also kind of jarring to see Jennifer Connelly play a part like that.  I mean growing up watching her in The Labyrinth, and seeing beautiful movies like The Rocketeer and A Beautiful Mind you're just kind of like "WHAT THE HELL!!" 

So anyway... I love the use of the short and quick shots which really help with the pace of the characters minds.  The use of sound is amazing.  Not to mention the different lenses that were used throughout... I don't know many directors who can use a fisheye lens as effectively as Aronofsky in this movie. 

Then aside from Aronofsky, a friend of mine said ".... sexy like Jared Leto in RFAD..."  Which before this movie I didn't think Jared Leto was sexy at all... but my mind has been changed.  Not to mention how AWESOME Ellen Burstyn was in this.  Just watch the movie and you'll understand.

To get over this wacky movie, I rented out "The Kim Novak Collection" and watched Pal Joey... a very meh movie musical with Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayward, and, of course, Kim Novak.  And now you're probably wondering "Why Kim Novak?"  Well, because I more or less fell in love with her in Vertigo and it keeps the Woman's World Cup alive (because she looks like Hope Solo to me)... please refer down a few posts. 

I pretty much skipped through most of the movie to get to the parts with Novak in it.  And I have to say, after seeing her in Vertigo it was kind of goofy watching her in Pal Joey.  But overall, it was happy and go-lucky which is what I was looking for.  I'm currently in the middle of Bell, Book and Candle which is sort of like Bewitched ... but with Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart :p  So that's pretty much all for now. 

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