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Monday, June 6, 2011

From Spielberg to Bay

If you were the fortunate 2 that had visited here since I changed my little "Next _____" in my gadgets to the right you would have noticed that I had changed it from Spielberg to Bay.  Treasure said "There's a difference between blogging and self gratitude."  I took this into account and decided to lower my standards...

And I guess I'll fully utilize the use of a blog by being critical.

I'm not a very big Michael Bay fan.  I feel like all his movies are primitive self satisfying ... things...  I'm not saying that they're bad or uncreative (I personally like The Island) I just think they're WAY over sexualized (please watch Transformers 1 and 2 and how Megan Fox is depicted) and on the cusp of gory to the extent that we find it enjoyable (a little messed up, but it's my theory of "That's why we enjoy horror movies.")  But what can I say... sometimes overly satisfying action movies are fun to watch.  Sometimes.

 yup, let's just bring in that camera and ram it up her ass

On top of that, I have a good friend from Purdue (which we Iowans so lovingly call Purdouche bags) that would yell every time Armageddon comes one "Don't watch that!  It'll make you stupid!"  And she works for NASA now so I'll believe her.

So, here's to you Michael Bay.  I hope to join you in the ranks!

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