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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Hurt Locker (end), Evil Dead, and The Fighter

Whew! Sorry it's been a while. And this one will be short since I have to be out the door in 30 minutes and I haven't taken a shower yet. (TMI!)

I finally finished The Hurt Locker last week. I don't want to spoil the end, but wow is that movie intense! I don't care what some theorists say, the absence of a soundtrack is really haunting. So way to go Kathryn Bigelow! and you too Jeremy Renner! Looking forward to watching more movies from these two in the future!

Evil Dead. I had seen this campy, yet awesome, Sam Raimi horror (?) flick a few years ago. However at the time I didn't realize that Raimi had done the Spider Man series so now going back and watching Evil Dead again made the experience even more fun. That and if you're a Bruce Campbell fan you should really listen to him on Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me. Hilarious.

However, I was eating some cannelloni while Cheryl was stabbing Linda's Achilles tendon with a pencil.  Goo.  So I turned it off for the time being.  But, someday I want to make a super low budget, campy horror movie in the essence of Evil Dead.  It will be EPIC!

So after Evil Dead, I decided to turn on The Fighter.  Sometimes I forget how much I love Mark "Don't Call Me Marky-Mark" Wahlberg.  Especially after watching such videos as these:


Ok, but anyway, I only got about 2/3 through the movie before I got off work.  I think Christian Bale is just crazy good at his craft.  Let's think about the guy's range:  Empire of the Sun to Newsies to Batman Begins to The Figher.  That's just awesome.  Same with Amy Adams. 

I read up a little bit after watching the fighter to find out that she wanted to take a job that she wasn't totally comfortable with.  I think with a lot of jobs it's hard to put ourselves in the same position.  When we think of uncomfortable jobs we think we're going to be leading a sales pitch or being promoted to over seeing more employees... but that's not the case.  I think for actors when they truly challenges themselves they becomes physically, emotionally and psychologically uncomfortable.  I've heard stories that Jack Nicholson was a little disturbed after playing The Joker in the original Batman.  We will never know about Heath Ledger... I still can't believe he's gone.

So anyway, the next movie I want to tackle is Doubt... mostly because I want to watch Amy Adams.  :)

Thanks for stopping by!  (and please listen to that NPR segment... it's so funny!)

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